MIAMI HURRICANE by lyn pedersen

Aug. 3, '54: Man's body found on "Lover's Lane" near U. S. 1 in North Miami, Fla. Yellow convertible nearby-seat bloodstained.22 caliber shell on floor.

August and September hurricanes known familiarly as Barbara, Carol, Dolly and Edna twisted by Miami, did their damage elsewhere. Not so the trumped-up twister that rose from William Simpson's death and raged forth in conjunction with the unbridled ambitions of several Florida politicians.

Simpson, an Eastern Air Line steward, had flown from Detroit the night before. He shared a downtown Miami room with another unmarried EAL steward. His landlady called him a "nice quiet boy."

Baffled police in neighborhood check come up with charge Simpson was homosexual-and that a colony of homosexuals inhabited the neighborhood-and of course, such colonies are ruled by a queen.

"Was Simpson the queen?" police asked.

"No. The queen is . . ." (prominent citizen named.) "How many of you are there? Twenty or forty?"

"Oh, more than that."

"A hundred?"
